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All guidance and information regarding tuition can be found in chapter two of the Student Handbook. However, paragraph 2
of section 2-3 is outdated. The information on this webpage is the most up-to-date information regarding unauthorized fees.

Effective June 17, 2019, the Navy HPSP Tuition Office will be implementing a Cost Quote Analysis to better serve you, our scholarship recipients.  This Cost Quote Analysis Form must be returned via email to: two (2) months prior to your term start deadline, 1st Friday of that month.  The first term will be those starting August 2019 and beyond.  For example, if your term starts in August, Cost Quote Analysis Forms must be returned by 1st Friday in June.  September, Cost Quote Analysis Forms must be returned 1st Friday in July etc.  Our office will generate a contract request with the cost you provide. This will occur each term while you are a scholarship recipient. 

Failure to submit the Cost Analysis Form will result in an estimate being used to generate a contract; which could cause process delays when your university submits an invoice. This information is for receipt of Cost Analysis Quotes ONLY.  The tuition office will contact you regarding the Cost Analysis Form if there are any discrepancy.  Be advised that all questions or concerns pertaining to other tuition matters must still be sent to the email address.
Initiation of Tuition Payments
The student’s benefit start date determines the initial semester/term for which tuition will be paid by the Navy. If the benefit start date is in the middle of a semester/term, the Navy will pay the tuition for the entire semester/term. If a student paid the tuition for the semester/term prior to entering the HPSP/FAP program, the Navy will pay the school for the tuition for that semester/term. Once the school receives the Navy’s tuition payment, the student should request a refund for the tuition paid by the student directly from the school.
If a student receives a tuition invoice from the school or if a student receives any notification that tuition payments are in arrears, the student should contact the Tuition Section immediately at 301-295-9977. Problems can usually be resolved quickly with the school’s Bursar’s Office and generally involves lost or incomplete school invoices.
Tuition Deposits Paid by the Student
Many students have non-refundable deposits that are applied to the first term’s tuition. Students should request that the school include these deposits on the invoice sent to the Navy. After the Navy pays the tuition invoice, a credit will appear in the student’s account. The student must seek reimbursement directly from the school.
Tuition Fee Payment Policy
The Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) program is a US Code Title 10 Program, which is designed to pay for the educational expenses of individuals in professional education. Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 6000.13p, paragraph 6.4.8. states that for participants in the HPSP program, reimbursement is not authorized for room and board or nonacademic expenses, such as yearbooks, school newspapers, parking fees, and tickets for sports activities. Many schools have added non-educational fees into the tuition charged for each term of education. Each participating educational facility has been contacted for a breakdown of the fees charged through its tuition. The HPSP program cannot legally pay for non-educational expenses, such as student union fees, financial aid fees, athletic fees, financial aid trust fee, recreational center program fee, student association fees, etc.

Fees Not Paid by Navy HPSP
The following is a list of fees which the Accessions Department WILL NOT pay as part of a tuition contract. This list is not all inclusive. National Board Examination fees and equipment and supply fees are limited in the amount reimbursed or may have a maximum cost of reimbursement, and therefore are NOT paid through the tuition payment process. HPSP/FAP participants can seek reimbursement for these specific fees through the Book and Equipment Reimbursement process.
• Activity Fee (If this fee is for discounted sports events.)
• Association Fees or Dues
• Cameras (Processed through the books and equipment reimbursement process.)
• Graduation Fees /Cap and gown/Diploma Fee (Exception: Transcript fee)
• Child Care Services
• Purchase Computer/Calculator/PDA/IPad/Laptop/Pager/Cell
Phone/Software (EXCEPTION: required e-books, processed through the reimbursement process.)
• Continuing Education or Relicensure
• Copying Fees (EXCEPTION: Thesis/dissertation copying fee if required by the degree program.)
• Dictionaries
• Exam Fee (Students must directly submit a request for reimbursement for each exam taken.)
• General Service Fee (If itemized, some items meeting the educational requirement may be paid.)
• Financial Aid Fee
• Malpractice Insurance (EXCEPTION: HPSP will pay if required of all students)
• Meals/Food
• Miscellaneous Expenses
• Non-Thesis Dissertation Fee
• Note Taking Services/Transcription Fees
• Parking Fees
• Program Service Fee (East Tennessee State)
• Professional License Fees
• Recreation Fee (If this fee is for discounted sports events.)
• Room and Board/Housing
• Scrubs, Lab Coats, Uniforms of any type
• Student Legal Services
• Study Abroad Scholarship/courses and Insurance for Study Abroad
• Textbooks (Reimbursed through the HPSP Books and Equipment Reimbursement Process.)
• Transportation Fee (EXCEPTION: "Safe Ride" is authorized.)
• University Loan Fee (EXCEPTION: Will pay if for the maintenance of a building/office.)
• Graduation Banquets
• Green Fee/Recycling Programs
• Student Loan Interest or Fee
Fees Paid by Navy HPSP
The Navy contracts directly with the school for tuition payment based on an Educational Service Agreement (ESA). Tuition will be paid directly to the school for the required items listed below, upon receipt of a valid invoice. If any problems occur related to tuition payment, the student must contact Accessions Department Tuition Section immediately.
  • Standard tuition
  • Building use fees
  • Student activity fees for the use of educational facilities and services
  • Laboratory fees
  • Health Service Fee
  • Graduation fees (excluding cap and gown rental or purchases)
  • University required rentals (i.e. microscopes, PC, slide sets)
  • Health insurance premiums, when invoiced with tuition, but ONLY when this insurance is required by the school, and only at the single policy rate (single-rate with no dependents). Health insurance, malpractice insurance, disability insurance and vision coverage are allowed reimbursable items (at the minimum insured level) if they are REQUIRED of all students attending the school. If required by the school but not invoiced with tuition, the student should pay for the item and submit a claim for reimbursement using standard form (SF) 1164, “Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business.”
  • Student Consumables/Supplies
All HPSP students receive a monthly stipend intended for the payment of incidentals that are not specifically reimbursed by the program. Program participants should anticipate using the monthly stipend for payment of these non-educational fees and items. As new fees are included on tuition invoices, NMPDC Accessions Programs Tuition Section will determine which fees meet the contractual educational fees required by each course of study. If there are any questions, please contact USN.OHSTUDENT@HEALTH.MIL.
Dual Degree Programs (MD/PhD, MD/Masters) and Optional Summer Semesters
The Navy pays tuition ONLY for classes/semesters required for the professional degree. Optional summer semesters and classes required for a second degree will not be paid by the Navy.
Tuition Invoice Received by the Student
Tuition contracts are regulated by government contracting rules. These rules are extensive and complicated. If problems with tuition payments occur, the student should contact the Tuition Section for assistance at 301-295-9977.
Tuition During Leave Without Pay (LWOP)
Students placed on Leave Without Pay (LWOP) status are ineligible for tuition payments. LWOP status is coordinated through the Accessions Department Registrar. Sixty days prior to being reinstated from LWOP status, students should contact the Accessions Registrar via USN.OHSTUDENT@HEALTH.MIL to have tuition restarted.
Additional Financial Aid
Students are permitted to apply and receive additional financial aid, student loans, grants, etc. as long as no service obligation after graduation is required. If service obligation is a part of the financial aid, the student is prohibited from accepting the aid.​
Post 9-11 GI Bill and HPSP Tuition Payment
When an HPSP participant uses the Post 9-11 GI Bill AND is in the HPSP program, the VA becomes the first payer of tuition. The HPSP program pays anything remaining after the VA makes its tuition payment.
Tuition Scholarship Awards
School scholarship awards specifically granted to defray the cost of tuition will be applied to the student’s tuition payment. The HPSP program will pay whatever remains of the tuition payment.
Overseas/Out-of-the-Country Terms and Electives
The HPSP program DOES NOT PAY TUITION for overseas or out-of-the-country terms and electives. If you schedule an overseas/out-of-country elective, you will have to pay for your own tuition for that term AND any additional insurance you are charged.

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