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Updated: 17 May 2024 All Travel Claims must be submitted no later than 5 business days after completion of travel to the Accessions Department Travel Section. FAILURE TO SUBMIT A TRAVEL CLAIM WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF ALL FUTURE ORDERS REQUESTS AND WILL DELAY YOUR SUPERSESSION TO ACTIVE DUTY UPON GRADUATION. You must submit a travel claim even if you do not believe you have any reimbursable expenses, because it closes out the accounting information from your orders. If you do not have any expenses to claim, simply fill out the DD 1351-2 and submit it along with a copy of your orders, supporting documentation, and the Electronic Funds Transfer Form (EFT NPPSC 1320/11 (10-14)). NOTE: Bank statements are not accepted by PSD Bethesda as a form of receipt.
*** Do not submit a travel claim for school orders.***
Step 1: To prevent delays in processing, please include the following when submitting a claim.
1. DD-1351-2 Travel Voucher. This is the only form that PSD Bethesda will accept! Follow the travel voucher submission guide to fill it out. Please remember to sign and date block 20 by hand. (Do not submit a claim for travel reimbursement on an SF 1164, which is used for reimbursement for books and supplies.
2. A copy of your Orders and any modifications issued. Ensure that all pages of your orders are sent and that the dated and signed check-in and check-out stamps clearly visible.
3. No Messing Available Letter. This letter is provided by the Graduate Medical Education (GME) Coordinator at the clerkship site. You will not receive the full commercial meal rate unless you include this letter. If your orders state, “The use of mess adversely affects mission performance, per diem authorized at commercial rate,” you will not need to submit this letter. (If you attended Officer Development School (ODS), this does not pertain to you, since messing was available at ODS.)
4. Itemized Lodging Receipt. If this receipt is not itemized day by day with a zero balance listed at the end, PSD will not reimburse your lodging. Please read Block 12 of your orders. You must have a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) letter or CNA stamp on your orders in order to be reimbursed for civilian lodging.
5. Car Rental (Only if authorized in your SATO Itinerary): You must include all of the following if you were authorized and used a rental car: Car Rental Receipt, Car Rental Contract Agreement, Complete SATO Itinerary, Proof of Payment, Zero Balance Receipt from the rental company, and receipts for gas. Travelers must submit a SATO Itinerary with the authorized car rental reservation in order to be authorized reimbursement of a rental car. Expenses for a rental car cannot exceed the rate stated on the itinerary. If they do, you will pay the difference. You must have a zero balance receipt from the rental company when you submit your claim. Click HERE for a sample of a zero balance receipt letter. If the rental car attendant cannot provide you with one, you can request one from the rental car company. Annotate all gas receipts in the Reimbursable Section (block 18) on the DD1351-2.
6. Receipts: Gas Receipts, Taxi Receipts, Shuttle Receipts, Parking Receipts and in some cases, Transit Receipts. You will be reimbursed for gas, only if on a clerkship rotation AND are authorized a rental car. Gas will be reimbursed ONLY for travel to and from your lodging to the clerkship site. If you are authorized travel by your own vehicle, you are reimbursed for the miles you drive from your school to the clerkship site and back, not the gas you use or the commuting miles while at the clerkship. You must include a receipt for any expense over $75.00 for which you request reimbursement.
7. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) form (NPPSC 1320/11 (10-14)): An EFT form must be included with every travel claim. Your claim will not be processed by PSD Bethesda without one. The purpose of the EFT form is to ensure that your travel reimbursement is deposited into the correct bank account. Use of the EFT will not affect your stipend or your active duty pay account. Here are answers to a few common questions regarding this form:
A. Block 1: Check EFT
B. Block 5: Check TDY
C. Block 6: This is your home address. Include a good contact email address.
D. Block 8: Your travel order number is the last five digits of your Standard Document Number (SDN), located at the top right corner of your orders, above the date.
E. Block 11: The organization and station is where you went for your AT.
i. If you went to Officer Development School (ODS), use STU NETC NEWPORT.
ii. If you went on a clerkship or operational rotation, use the name of the command you went to (this is usually located in line 1 of your orders), i.e. WRNMMC/ NMCSD/ NMCP /NHCP/ NHCLEJ/ NHJAX
F. Block 15: The codes you need are on the second page of the DD 1351-2.
i. Means/Mode of Travel: PA - Personal Auto; TP - Government Procured Plane Ticket (NAVPTO or SATO). If you list PA as your transportation, you will be reimbursed for travel from the home address on your orders to your duty station. Please include mileage.
ii. Reason for Stop: AT - awaiting transportation, TD - temporary duty, MC - mission complete
G. Block 18: List any reimbursable expenses you have (lodging, car rental, taxi or shuttle fares, gas for your car, tolls, or parking fees). Do not list food or mileage expenses. Food expenses are included as a part of your Per Diem. Make sure that you only list expenses that occurred during the dates on your orders. Any reimbursable not listed in this block, even if a receipt is included, will NOT be paid by PSD.
7. Copy of your final itinerary: If your flights were changed/updated, the corrected, final travel itinerary for your travel must be included with your claim. This is the only way PSD can verify the duration of your travel , which could impact your per diem payment.
8. Temporary Duty Checklist (NPPSC 1320.1B9): Use this check list to ensure all forms are sent with your claim. Check off the appropriate forms you send and then sign is in the box next to “Member Signature” and date it in the box next to your signature.
Step 2: Complete the Travel Claim Form, DD 1351-2. Click HERE for a sample of a completed Travel Claim (updated 17May2024) and click HERE for a Power Point presentation (updated 17May2024) on how to complete your travel claim.
Step 3: Scan and upload the completed, signed and dated Travel Claim package to USN.OHSTUDENT@MAIL.MIL using the current approved method to submit documents to NAVMEDAD. Please scan using the lowest resolution so that your attachment is no larger than 5 MB. PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOUR FORMS ARE NO ACCEPTABLE (i.e. .jpegs). Please ensure that your scans are legible before you upload them.
1. Completed and signed SF 1352-2.
2. Stamped set of orders
3. Complete SATO Itinerary
4. Itemized Lodging receipt (with Certificate of Non-Availability as applicable if you stayed in a civilian facility)
5. All receipts for which you are requesting reimbursement – lodging, rental car, gas, government procured airline ticket, etc.
6. Itinerary
7. EFT form
8. Temporary Duty Travel Checklist
Step 4: Upon receipt of your Travel Claim, Accessions AT Staff will review and verify your Travel Claim. If complete, your claim will be submitted to the NSA Bethesda Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) office for processing.
1. Reimbursements are paid directly into the account you listed in your Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) form, usually within 4-6 weeks after submission to PSD Bethesda. You can obtain a Travel Advisory of the payment using your DFAS MyPay account.
2. Travel Reimbursement payment will not appear on your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). Your active duty pay, basic allowance for subsistence (BAS), and basic allowance for housing (BAH) will show on your LES.
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 7700 Arlington Blvd. Ste. 5113 Falls Church, VA 22042-5113 This is an official U.S. Navy website This is a Department of Defense (DoD) Internet computer system. General Navy Medical Inquiries (to Bureau of Medicine and Surgery):