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Student and Welcome Aboard Information
Welcome to Naval Medical Leader & Professional Development Command (NMLPDC)
Please contact NMLPDC Student Administration Department if funding documents or student information has not arrived at least 14 days before the course start date. If website access is not available at your command, please send e-mail message/request for the information below to:
  • Travel Arrangements - Arrangements from parent commands are the responsibility of the individual student, contact your command TAD clerk before making travel arrangements. NML&PDC does not fund rental cars. Students staying at contracted quarters who have class at NMPDC will travel by Metrorail to and from Medical Center for access to training site onboard WRNMMC Bethesda. 
  •  Airport Van Shuttle Service - Available to most hotels in the DC area from National, Dulles and BWI airports for approximately $20-$30. Advanced reservations may be required. Taxi service could exceed $50 and is therefore not recommended.
  • Metrorail Service - Available from Reagan National Airport at:   Twinbrook Metro Station to Medical Center, third stop on the Red Line.  Local transportation from contract hotel to training site is reimburseable as calculated based on course duration.   
  • Lodging - Provided for active duty attendees at contracted quarters for courses held at NMLPDC Bethesda if current duty is not in the Washington Local Commuting Area. The NMLPDC Student Department makes reservations for single occupancy rooms.  
  • Parking - Aboard the Walter Reed National Military Center compound parking is limited, temporary permits are not issued. Parking at the contracted quarters is provided without charge. 
  • Upon Arrival - You are not required to report in person or contact NMLPDC upon arrival. Information on specific courses are located on this site and will indicate the location of the course and start time of the sessions. 
  • Bring Original Orders - Required on the first day of class. They will be endorsed and returned to you on the last day of class. No classes are held on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays. Normal working hours are Monday through Friday, 0730-1630. 
  • Authorized Uniform - Khakis are the authorized uniform. For your comfort, a sweater or jacket is recommended in the classroom. 
  • Attendance - Required for all sessions to obtain satisfactory course completion. You should be free of all professional and social responsibilities during the course. If unable to attend, NML&PDC Student Administration Office should be contacted as soon as possible to allow the seat to be filled. Please contact the office at:
  • Select Reserve Personnel ONLY: POC: 703-681-5524, Email:
  • Nomination Selection Information

RESERVE NOMINATIONS Submitted Directly Through Command Training Officer and Cc'd to:
You must ensure that all information requested is provided. Information not available should be indicated, e.g. “no individual e-mail for this nominee”. Command priority level and justification statement for priority must be included. Include EAOS/PRD: EAOS/PRD should not be less than one year from the date of the course convening date.
Commitment: The nomination represents a commitment by the nominating command to send the member and that the member will be available to attend the course, if selected. Individuals who cannot attend should not be nominated.
Cancellations/Substitutions: NMLPDC requires command notification (written) regarding need for cancellations. Individual substitutions by commands are not authorized. The selection authority creates a prioritized alternate list. If a cancellation occurs, the Course Director will select an alternate.
Point of Contact: Command Education and Training Coordinators/Education Officers are expected to serve as the central point of contact for interactions with NMLPDC Bethesda. Nominees should attempt to resolve questions and/or concerns through their command representative. Reserve students should attempt to resolve questions/concerns through the Reserve Liaison.  It is your responsibility to work with your command's TAD office to book your transportation. Accounting data is sent to the TAD representative that is noted on the nomination form and to the students.

Selections for courses are made from nominations received by authorities documents below

  • Completed Nomination Documents are required at NML&PDC (and for SELRES) no later than eight (8) weeks prior to course convening dates. Nomination due dates are included on course information pages located within this site. The nomination should include a subsequent alternate course for consideration in selections. 

    For all management and specialty courses, nomination submission   
    For operational courses, nomination submission 
Course Nomination Selection Authority Funded by
Advanced readiness Officers Course (AROC) NMLPDC/BUMED Corps Chiefs NMLPDC
Clinic Management Course (CMC) NMLPDC/Course Director NMLPDC
Financial and Materiel Management Course (FMMTC) NMLPDC/PERS 4415/Detailers/Specialty Leaders NMLPDC/PERS if PCS
Patient Administration Course (PAC) NMLPDC/PERS 4415/Detailers/Specialty Leaders NMLPDC
Plans, Operations, and Medical Intelligence Course (POMIC) NMLPDC/Specialty Leaders NMLPDC
Executive Medical Department Enlisted Course (EMDEC) NMLPDC/BUMED FORCE CMC NMLPDC
Global Medicine NMLPDC/Course Director NMLPDC
Military Tropical Medicine Course (MTMC) NMLPDC/Course Director NMLPDC

Nomination Submission: Follow the instructions posted on each course page
Non-Operational Course Nomination Form

Operational Course Nomination Form
Reserve Information

Additional Training

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a course? 
NML&PDC accepts nominations for courses it sponsors from Command Education & Training Department Staff/Training Officers or their representatives and Command Executive Staff. Please note that nominations for the Patient Administration Course require XO, OIC or DFA endorsement. The NML&PDC nomination form (available as a link on our site at must be used. Be advised, that any nomination represents a commitment by the nominating command to send the member as well as a commitment by the member to attend, if selected. The Nomination Form must be completed in its entirety and must include an Endorsement Signature. The Nomination Form may be e-mailed to, faxed to (301) 295-1292/DSN 295-1292, or sent by U.S. Postal Service to the 8901 Wisconsin Ave T-12, Bethesda, MD 20889. E-mailed Nomination forms as an attachment will be accepted by the Student Administration Department, if forwarded by the Command Education & Training Department/Officer, the CMC, or a member of the Command Executive Staff. SELRES personnel should forward their questions to
How do I know if my nomination was received at NML&PDC? 
Nominations sent as attachments via e-mail are confirmed, as received, with an e-mail reply. NML&PDC does not confirm faxed or mailed nominations received. A successful transmission sheet ensures a connection, if the correct number is used: (301) 295-1292 or DSN 295-1292. It would be prudent to follow up a fax or U.S. Postal Service item with a phone call to the Course Program Assistant in the NML&PDC Student Administration Department who oversees the course for which you have been nominated.
 Who funds the courses? 
The majority of the courses are fully funded by NML&PDC for active duty personnel. The funding process begins in the Student Administration Department 5 weeks prior to a course start date. The NMPDC Resource Management Department sends funding authorization documents to the TAD POC email address indicated on the Nomination form. SELRES are funded by COMNAVRESFOR with approval by the Reserve Liaison at BUMED.
 Is lodging available? 
The majority of the courses are fully funded by NML&PDC for active duty personnel. The funding process begins in the Student Administration Department 5 weeks prior to a course start date. The NML&PDC Resource Management Department sends funding authorization documents to the TAD POC Fax number indicated on the Nomination form. Lodging reservation instructions for Reserve members is included in the Welcome letter and guidance from the Reserve Liaison


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