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The Stress Continuum Model
The initial 2004 - 2005 Navy Leader’s Guide for Managing Personnel in Distress was an initiative of the Department of the Navy (DoN) Interagency Fitness and Wellness IPT. Captain David Hiland and Captain David Sack Commanding Officers of Navy and MarineCorps Public Health Center, served as Co-Project Managers. Captain Bruce Bohnker and Captain Ben Mitchell served as the Fitness and Wellness IPT Leaders.
Navy Leader’s Guide Project Manager: Mark Long, Ed.D
Navy Working Team: Dr.Mark Long, CDR Tom Gaskin, CDR Kevin Kennedy, and CDR Morgan Sammons
Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Team: Mark Long and HMC Fred Gutermuth
Contributing Authors: CDR Linda Ewald, Mark Long, CDR Morgan Sammons, CDR Kevin Kennedy, CDR Anthony Doran, CDR John Knowles, CDR Lawrence Zoeller, LCDR Scott Johnston, LCDR Marcy Auclair, LDCR Donna Bartie, Charles Gould, William Moore, Kathy Robertson, CDR Jack Pierce, and Captain Ken Iverson
Reviewing and Editing: Captain Sonja Pyle, William Calvert, LT Tracy Hejmanowski and CDR Kevin Kennedy
Program Design: Edward Allsbrook, Patrice Wiggan
IT Support: Edward Allsbrook, Lea Gilchrist, Dee Savage and Kimberly Williams
Special Thanks to the BuMED Behavioral Health Advisory Group for their support and assistance with this project!
The Navy Guide used, and is based upon the Air Force Leader's Guide for Managing Personnel in Distress. BZ and Special thanks to the U.S. Air Force!
View the acknowledgements for the updated version of this website here
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 7700 Arlington Blvd. Ste. 5113 Falls Church, VA 22042-5113 This is an official U.S. Navy website This is a Department of Defense (DoD) Internet computer system. General Navy Medical Inquiries (to Bureau of Medicine and Surgery):