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Flossing once a day, eating the recommended number of servings from the five food groups, and sleeping for seven or more hours each night can provide a variety of health benefits and prevent illness. Yet, according to recent Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Workplace Health Risk Assessment Annual Reports, many active duty Sailors and Marines are not engaging in these behaviors regularly to promote good health.1
In this toolbox, we provide a variety of resources and tools for health information disseminators to educateSailors, Marines, beneficiaries, retirees, and DoD civilians about the importance of these three preventive health practices in order to maintain optimal health and performance.
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Key Resources
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[1] Navy Marine Corps Public Health Center EpiData Center Department. Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Workplace Health Risk Assessment Annual Reports. Health Risk Assessment (
Clinical guidance, including recognition, management and clinical isolation guidance are generally covered by CDC: CDC Clinical Overview
Clinical management for Fleet medical personnel can be found in the NMCFHPC Fleet Mpox Medical Guidance
Clinical guidance for MTFs can be found in the DHA Mpox Guidance Update_5Sept2024
Currently, neither mpox testing nor treatment are readily available in a forward deployed operational setting. Units should identify suspected cases, isolate them, and move them for care at an MTF when operationally feasible.
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 7700 Arlington Blvd. Ste. 5113 Falls Church, VA 22042-5113 This is an official U.S. Navy website This is a Department of Defense (DoD) Internet computer system. General Navy Medical Inquiries (to Bureau of Medicine and Surgery):