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The Industrial Hygiene Department centrally administers Proficiency Testing (PT) for Asbestos analysis for all Navy laboratories performing that analysis. There are two Proficiency Testing programs, as follows:
Fiber Counting – This program assesses the performance of laboratories and analysts that determine the airborne concentration of fibers by counting, using Phase Contrast Microscopy, fibers collected on a filter through which a known volume of air was sampled. The PT samples are provided and graded by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) Proficiency Analytical Testing (PAT) Program under contract to the Navy. This analysis is not specific for asbestos fibers but counts all fibers meeting specific size criteria.
Fiber Identification – This program assesses the performance of laboratories and analysts that identify fibers in samples of bulk material. This analysis specifically identifies the type and amount of asbestos present in addition to other types of fibers and non-fibrous material. The PT samples are provided and graded by the AIHA Bulk Asbestos Proficiency Analytical Testing Program (BAPAT) under contract to the Navy.
The Industrial Hygiene Laboratory at NEPMU5 will no longer perform sample analysis for Asbestos Identification and Fiber Counting. All samples received for asbestos identification or fiber counting will be forwarded to the laboratory at NEPMU2 for analysis. Please see attachment for additional guidance.
Our staff serves as the Contracting Officer’s Representative for both of the above contracts.
For more information on the Asbestos Proficiency Testing Program, please email us at:
Clinical guidance, including recognition, management and clinical isolation guidance are generally covered by CDC: CDC Clinical Overview
Clinical management for Fleet medical personnel can be found in the NMCFHPC Fleet Mpox Medical Guidance
Clinical guidance for MTFs can be found in the DHA Mpox Guidance Update_5Sept2024
Currently, neither mpox testing nor treatment are readily available in a forward deployed operational setting. Units should identify suspected cases, isolate them, and move them for care at an MTF when operationally feasible.
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 7700 Arlington Blvd. Ste. 5113 Falls Church, VA 22042-5113 This is an official U.S. Navy website This is a Department of Defense (DoD) Internet computer system. General Navy Medical Inquiries (to Bureau of Medicine and Surgery):