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This page serves as an easy-access reference to the disease profiles for infections and conditions for which the EpiData Center has developed algorithms for case identification. Please note that the profiles are continually reviewed and edited based on project impact, emerging infections or new data developments. The list below identifies disease profiles that are available as well as the date of last update. If you are interested in an infection or condition not listed, please contact us. Some algorithms have been developed in the EpiData Center for which disease profiles have not been completed
Case Finding algorithm disease classification logic - Reportable Medical Events (09/2019) Case Finding algorithm disease classification logic - Reportable Medical Events (06/2015): The EpiData Center developed case finding methods for reportable medical events that categorize laboratory results indicative of particular diseases based on criteria in the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center's Reportable Events Guidelines. The cases identified through the algorithm are provided in the Case Finding module of DRSi every business day for users to review at the local or regional level and to support MER submission. Criteria for definition of positive and suspect classification are described in attached reference document.
L Legionella (3/2018) Leishmaniasis(4/2019) Leptospirosis (8/2019) Listeriosis (7/2019) Lyme Disease (4/2018)
Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 7700 Arlington Blvd. Ste. 5113 Falls Church, VA 22042-5113 This is an official U.S. Navy website This is a Department of Defense (DoD) Internet computer system. General Navy Medical Inquiries (to Bureau of Medicine and Surgery):