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Ruscio, B. A., Jones, B. H., Bullock, S. H., Burnham, B. R., Canham-Chervak, M., Rennix, C. , . . . Smith, J. W. (2010, January). A Process to Identify Military Injury Prevention Priorities Based on Injury Type and Limited Duty Days. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 38(1) Supplement 1, pp. 19-33.
Background: Injuries, one of the leading public health problems in an otherwise healthy military population, affect operational readiness, increase healthcare costs, and result in disabilities and fatalities. This paper describes a systematic, data-driven, injury prevention– decision making process to rank potential injury prevention targets.
Ruscio, B., Smith, J., Amoroso, P., Anslinger, J., Bullock, S., Burnham, B., . . . Wilkening, R. (2006). DoD Military Injury Prevention Priorities Working Group: Leading Injuries, Causes and Mitigation Recommendations. Office of The Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs.
Background: The DoD Military Injury Prevention Priorities Working Group (DMIPPWG) was tasked to identify the leading causes of injuries among military personnel across DoD, create a process for establishing an evidence-based ranking of DoD prevention priorities, develop a proposal for a DoD-wide process for analysis, and provide recommendations for intervention initiatives.
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