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NPDS Continuing Education

Enrollment Eligibility
Courses are open to dental officers of the Uniformed Services and civilian dentists employed by federal agencies.  Non-Federal civilian dentists are no longer eligible to attend NPDS CDE courses. Enrollment for retired dentists is extremely limited and will only be considered on a space-available basis.  Most courses have specific enrollment restrictions and/or quota limitations (see individual course descriptions in the annual course listing).  Retired Federal agency dentists will be charged a fee to attend a course. (Please see the Course Fees section below). 

Enrollment Procedures
To enroll in a course, complete and submit the Continuing Dental Education Application (see link below). Applications must be submitted via e-mail.  Applications will not be accepted over the phone. Applicants are limited to two courses per fiscal year.
NPDS Continuing Dental Education Application

Enrollment opens on 1 August.  The priority for course enrollment is:

  • Navy Dentists (Active, Reserve, GS and Contractor)
  • Other Armed Forces dentists (Active, Reserve, GS, and Contractor)
  • Other Federal agency dentists
  • Retired dentists from the above categories (See Course Fees)

Enrollment Cancellation 
If you find you must cancel an enrollment request, please notify the Continuing Education Office to give the opportunity to waiting applicants.  Thank you!

General Information
The U.S. Navy Dental Corps is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.  ADA CERP does not approve or  endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

In order to receive credit, participants must be in attendance. Course hours will be divided into participation and/or lecture credit based on the nature of the course.

Method of Instruction: In addition to lecture presentations, some courses also include participation in small groups, laboratory, and/or clinical exercises.  For further information, refer to the description of courses (see link on the right).

All continuing education courses begin promptly at 0730 in Classroom A of the Naval Postgraduate Dental School on the third floor of Building 1 and are held from 0730 to 1600 every day. Most courses include a "Naval Dentistry Update" presentation attended by Navy dental officers only. A 1-hour lunch break is usually scheduled from 1200 to 1300. Sessions past 1600 may be scheduled at the discretion of the course directors and will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Lodging and other pertinent information will be made available through the Welcome Aboard information that will be e-mailed to enrollees approximately 6 weeks before the course begins. Parking is not available unless you are staying on base.  Those commuting to a course from National Capital Region commands are required to utilize the Metrorail system or alternate means to arrive at the Naval Support Activity Bethesda.

Uniform Information
Military attendees are expected to be in uniform regardless of their duty or travel status. At a minimum, attendees should wear the appropriate seasonal service uniform (see table of equivalent uniforms below). Working uniforms (NWU, ACU, ABU, ODU) are not acceptable.

Navy Army Air Force USPHS/CG
Service Khaki Class ‘B’ Service Uniform Tropical Blue Long
Civilians: Appropriate business attire (no jeans)

Course Fees
There is no course fee for dental officers of the Uniformed Services or civilian dentists employed by federal agencies.  Retired federal agency dentists will be charged a fee to attend a course (see individual course descriptions.) The course fee will apply to either full or partial attendance at courses. Course fees will be collected during check-in procedures at the beginning of the course. Check or money order should be made payable to U.S. Treasury (cash and credit cards are not accepted for payment). Fees are not refundable.

Contact Information

NPDS Continuing Education
Naval Medical Leader and Professional Development Command
Naval Postgraduate Dental School
Building 1, Floor 3
Naval Support Activity - Bethesda
Bethesda, MD

Main: (301) 295-0064
DSN: 295-0064

Continuing Education
(301) 295-0205
DSN: 295-0205

Correspondence Courses
(301) 319-4832
Fax: (301) 295-5767

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
0730 - 1600

Description of 2024-25 Continuing Education Courses
Course Hours
0730 - 1600  ​

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